To bring the “AlagangTunay, AlagangBenLife” brand of insurance to every single Filipino and their families, regardless of status or standing in life towards financial security and peace of mind. One BenLife policy for every Filipino – no one left behind.
- To provide our policyholders with quality insurance products and excellent services, assuring financial stability and longevity.
- To fully serve our stockholders by providing fair, equitable and just returns by unwavering commitment as well as dedication to our responsibilities.
- To provide our employees with a deep sense of strength, integrity and belongingness that ensures support in all aspects of life.
- To contribute to our nation’s advancement, development and progress by making life insurance accessible to ALL Filipinos.
Fairness Giving back to our clients, employees, and suppliers what is due to them
Loyalty Building a team that shares and upholds the Company’s aspirations, vision, mission and values
Integrity Operating under the highest forms of business conduct
Teamwork Creating a strategy-focused organization that works together towards attaining BenLife’s vision-mission statements
Service Excellence Providing the highest quality services, meeting our clients’ needs efficiently and promptly at par with industry standards
Adaptability Flexibility in meeting changes and challenges in the ever evolving business environment